Nidhi’s Evaluation on Clement’s Speech

Here’s Nidhi’s Evaluation on Clement’s Speech on I Can Be Better.

Delivered in our August 2022 Meeting.

What a inspiring speech that you delivered today and I think everyone agrees that he is an outstanding storyteller and a very good speaker. Show me a thumbs up if you agree. Two thumbs up yeah!

I do remember one beautiful quote here that “People will forget what you said. People will forget what you did. But people will never forget how you made them feel.”

And Clement did it today again. The way you started about your first meeting and the way you engaged the audience was awesome.

Later on, you presented whole your story on how you can be better. It is very nice the a way. In speeches, it is very important for this and Clement beautifully presents the pauses every time. And his hand gesture clarity was so good.

Nidhi's Evaluation on Clement's Speech

An ice breaker speech is not only important what you are and what your life is, but it’s also important as a person, how you are and he proved that he is a great motivational coach as well.

The one thing that i feel to work on for example when he said that “it was my first meeting and I was there.” Then you can just walk and show the place. Then Anne Tiong was sitting there and you can show that she was listening my speech. So cover the stage by walking.

In summary, a very good storyteller and beautifully presented with gestures and the pauses and can work on covering the stage. Lastly, I would like to say that inside every one of us is a natural storyteller.

Let’s not wait for it release. Thank you.

Check out all images from our August 2022 meeting via our Facebook Album here.

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