Encey’s Evaluation on Alayna’s Speech

Here’s Encey’s evaluation on Alayna’s Speech.

Delivered on our September 2022 meeting.

Good evening everyone and to Alayna as well.

I would like to first first of all congratulate you for completing your very first speech in Toastmasters and I think that this is a very good chance for you to evaluate yourself and also have a little bit more introspection. This part for you to do an even better job in your future speeches.

First of all I would like to say that her speech was very well designed in a sense that the introduction, the body and conclusion were all strung together with a very core theme of a very cool theme on dancing.

In her very strong opening she began with a dance and through that it alluded to the content of the speech. As we are progressing through the the main body of her speech she also shared a little bit about her struggles in her journey as a dancer. And as a conclusion she not only tell us about how she got back into dancing but also use this as an opportunity to teach us, to educate us on what are the possible ways to allow us to get back on track when we lose sight of a certain goal that we have in life. And i think that with these kind of techniques weaved into a speech Alayna really do did a very very good job tonight.

Encey's Evaluation on Alayna's Speech

I have two suggestions for you to consider in your future speeches.

First of all, I felt that when you are discussing the deep dissatisfaction in dancing and power on with more questions and challenges, there is a part in your speech development which I felt that there was a little bit of gap. This is where we didn’t really have that much insight onto how you managed to resolve that situation in your head. So a lot of things you you clearly know it very well but you didn’t express it to us in a sense, so we would like to know more about first of all, your thought process, and the guidance which carry you through the period of trouble, to remind you of why you started back in primary four.

There were plenty of expressions that also help you establish your presence on stage well. All these contribute to the overall appearance of of your speech. It also serves as like telltale signs of your nervousness and even at times let us know that some contents were a little bit rushed. It let us also see that um the rush bit might be places where you didn’t develop your speech well enough.

So my second suggestion for you is for you to adopt a technique to help you remember your content as we are visual creatures it is easy for us to take information on spatial cues. So for example you can take your first part of your content to the left side of the room, and then when you look at the lesson room you deliver the content thus the middle room for the second part, and then the conclusion on the right side of the room this way you will very clearly look at the different parts of the room to help you finish your speech with the full flow clearly.

Yeah that’s all

Check out images from our meeting here.

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