We’re back (physically)!

Since March 2020, pandemic and social distancing measures have affected the entire Toastmasters community worldwide. That was also the last time BVTMC toasted together (literally – it was a wine tasting special) in a physical meeting setup. Although Zoom and other videoconferencing apps have emerged as alternatives, we soon realized that nothing can fully emulate the real human interaction and the public speaking experience to real audiences. Therefore, we took every opportunity to bring members back to the physical venue.

Guess what? After 1-year hiatus, we hit a significant milestone by returning to the physical meeting on 1 Apr 2021, in hybrid mode!


With help from Buona Vista Community Club, BVTMC brought three members back on lectern to deliver their project speeches in front of physical members and virtual audiences. Project evaluation and Table Topics were also conducted across real meeting room and cyberspace. It was definitely a fantastic and valuable experience with members (BVCC and Zoom) and guests (on Zoom).

In BVTMC, we are committed to bringing fun, comfortable, and engaging public speaking experience to members. We truly believe that real human interaction is essential in creating such environment. Stay tuned while we try to bring more members (and also guests) back to real life.

In the meantime, RSVP now to feel the magic on your own!

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